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EUSIDER Group is proud to announce to its Customers and Suppliers that...


With the ISO 9001 ed.2015 certificate of IRON SERVICE S.r.l. - the last company of the Group to achieve this certificate after METALTUBI S.r.l. - COMAL Ferlatta Spa - EUSIDER Spa - LIMAEUSIDER S.r.l. - GERRI S.r.l.
Has been closed the first Group Quality business plan started in 2016 with the aim of moving or certifying for the first time all the Companies belonging to the Group under the ISO 9001 ed. 2015 with a "corporate" management model and with a single Quality Management System.

The next objectives have already started and are described for the Top Management in the 2019-20 Quality Business Plan with a target of continuous improvement and growth of the Group's commercial potential.

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